There are no adult topics in this game.I hear this all the time: “ I wish I could communicate with my own pets”.Older kids and adults will enjoy the difficulty of the hard mode and higher numbered puzzles in the puzzle mode.Younger kids will like the beautiful tile designs and the ease of play with no timer on easy mode.If you like a previously beaten level you can go back and replay it as often as you like.If you lose on a puzzle you can replay the level and unlimited number of times.This will not cost you one of your shuffles. If there are no remaining matches in the current board configuration the game will automatically reshuffle the board’s layout.You gain experience by making matches and how much time you have left when you beat a level. You can buy additional uses of each for 500 experience points. There are clue and reshuffle buttons in the upper right corner.For the first 15 to 20 levels this should not matter too much, but for the last 10 or so it begins to matter much more. If tiles fall in one direction it often makes sense to use the pairs on the opposite side of the screen first & to make whatever pairs are possible upstream of tile movements.Pay attention to the tips at the begging of the level to see which way tiles move, or if they stay still.The game has a pause button in the upper left corner, but since the levels are not timed it doesn’t matter much.If you are stuck you can use up to three manually initiated reshuffles and three clues per level using the button in the upper right corner.When no tile movements are left the board will automatically reshuffle.Some boards will remain static as you remove tiles, while other boards will slide left, right, up or down as you remove tiles. Pay attention to the level introduction advice.Match pairs of tiles which you are able to connect with a line that turns no more than twice.If you are familiar with mahjong styled games choose hard.

If you are not familiar with mahjong styled games choose easy or normal. Choose a difficulty level which suits your skill level.If a board has multiple rows with spaces between them try to take out the inner area first so that you create a broader cross section for matching in the outer rows.Pieces on corners have 2 different outer edges they can match against.Pieces which are on an outer edge can match any other piece on that same outer edge.When scanning pieces to move, if you do not spot any easy pairs right off the start then look at pieces along the edges and around the corners.This game has levels using both configuration options. Within this genre of games, some have boards that remain static, and other games have boards which slide in a particular direction as tiles are removed.the pictures near the bottom of this article show a couple legal moves highlighted in white line segments with rounded circles at the ends.touch via a line which has 1 or 2 right angle turns in it.Mahjong match games allow you to connect and remove tiles which: Tap the screen with your finger and use your finger like a mouse.Tiles can only be connected if the lines between them has 2 or fewer corners.Use the mouse left click to tap on two of the same tiles.The welcome screen has a sound control button in the upper right corner.Your web browser automatically stores your beat level data in the puzzle mode.You must beat each level in the puzzle mode to unlock subsequent puzzles.Play through the 30-level puzzle mode by clicking on the puzzles button.Start a quick match game by clicking on the easy, normal, or hard buttons.Choose the type of game you want to play.Repeat this process until the board is clear of tiles. The line also can not pass through any other tiles. Click on two matching tiles which can be connected by a line which travels vertically or horizontally and turns no more than twice on its journey.